Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chocolate Pots - Naughty But Nice

If you are a big fan of chocolate you will love this recipe. Chocolate pots are very easy to make yet are wonderfully rich and indulgent, making them ever so slightly naughty.

Dip your spoon into the deep dark chocolate then sit back and enjoy an incredibly smooth, creamy texture and a long, rich chocolaty aftertaste. You may think when you first make chocolate pots that a small potful won't be enough to satisfy your chocolate addiction, but you'd be wrong.

Chocolate pots are intensely chocolaty, a few mouthfuls of cool creamy chocolate will have your reaching chocolate nirvana in no time (especially if you use top quality chocolate). Yet they are unbelievably simple to make, you can literally throw them together in a matter of minutes and then all they need is an hour or so in the fridge to set.

Not surprisingly, chocolate pots are a popular and acceptable dessert to serve at a casual supper party, or for for a romantic dinner a deaux. The quantities I have given below are enough for two generous portions but you can easily double or quadruple up if you want to make extra. If you don't have Baileys liquer you can use tia maria, dark rum, or either grand marniere or cointreau.

You can use heavy cream in this recipe as well, but it will be incredibly rich and have a heavier texture.


Serving Size:
Preparation Time: 5 minutes. Can be made several days ahead
Effort Level: Dead easy
Shelf Life: 5 days in fridge
Ingredients:100g dark chocolate minimum 80% cocoa
180ml single cream
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp Baileys

Here's What You Do:

Break the chocolate into tiny pieces (I use a food processor for this job, as it breaks down the chocolate to almost a powder, but you could put it in a bag and bash with a rolling pin). The point is it wants to be small so it melts quickly.

Heat the single cream and sugar in the microwave (or on the stove) just until it reaches boiling.
Tip the chocolate into the hot cream and stir until melted, it will immediately thicken.
Add the Baileys and stir well.

Pour into two ramekins and stick in the fridge to chill for several hours.

There! Told you it was easy!

Uma Wylde is a natural born cook. She specialises in creating stunning tastes. If you're having trouble getting food to taste the way you want it to or are just bored cooking the same old things, try following some of her carefully explained recipes at Unlike traditional recipes, which often leave you dangling, hers show you how to bring the whole meal together, so everything turns out perfectly.

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