Friday, February 17, 2012

Cop mistakes chocolate bar for cellphone

A chocolate bar very nearly led to a blemish on a Timaru teenager's driving record.

Fortunately, Timaru Herald photographer Mytchall Bransgrove, 18, has been spared a fight to clear his name after police decided to cancel an $80 infringement fee issued when he was stopped for allegedly using his cellphone while driving.

The mixup happened in late December, when Bransgrove – waiting at the turning bay on King St to head up Beaconsfield Rd – was about to take a bite from a Moro Gold chocolate bar.

As he turned, he saw the lights of a police car behind him – his first encounter with the law since gaining his restricted licence in August.

"He started talking to me," Bransgrove said.

"At first I couldn't understand him. I heard the word cellphone – my first thought was, 'Is my cellphone on the roof?'"

"[The officer] said, 'I saw you using your cellphone while you were driving'."

Bransgrove said he was confused for a few seconds until he realised the officer had mistaken his chocolate bar for a cellphone.

Despite trying to explain, including pointing out his cellphone was in a closed bag on the passenger side floor, the ticket was issued – and Bransgrove lost his appetite.

Had he been talking on his cellphone, Bransgrove said he would have paid the fine.

However, unwilling to let his copybook be blotted by a chocolate bar, he wrote to the police, offering his explanation.

Yesterday he received a letter back, saying the infringement had been cancelled "after careful consideration of your comments and the circumstances surrounding the issue of this notice".

He's not holding any grudges. The officer was just doing his job, he said.

"I believe it was a genuine mistake on the police officer's behalf," Bransgrove said.

"I'm quite glad that nothing's gone on my record."


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