Saturday, April 24, 2010

Do You Crave Chocolate?

Did you know that chocolate can be good for you? Craving chocolate can be because your body needs it. However, if the chocolate has been processed improperly, it may taste like you expect it to, but some of the food value may be lost. Then you keep craving more chocolate because you did not get what you needed it for - why you craved it, and then it may to turn into an addiction.

Among other things, dark chocolate has the highest antioxidant I have ever seen charted: rated in the 13 thousand ORAC units per 100 grams compared to 980 for Brussels sprouts, 2400 for blueberries, or 5770 (the highest I have seen besides chocolate) for prunes. However, when chocolate is ruined by refined sugar, wax, lard, alkali, trans fatty acids, hormone treated dairy or other cheap fillers; the antioxidant quality may be lacking or non-existent.

There are actually many healing qualities in healthy chocolate; it helps blood platelets stick together less, therefore causing fewer blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Healthy chocolate has been shown to decrease LDL (bad) Cholesterol and Cocoa butter contains oleic acid, which is a mono-unsaturated fat like what is found in olive oil and is considered to raise good cholesterol (HDL). It also promotes healthy blood flow and blood pressure, and has even been considered to improve elasticity in blood vessels, improve circulation, overall heart health, and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Healthy chocolate can also improve insulin resistance and sensitivity, which can protect against the onset of diabetes, and there are also many vitamins and minerals contained in healthy chocolate. Do however be careful, and check the ingredients; it is important to get organic chocolate and a good safe sweetener, such as evaporated cane juice, no alkali, diary, or other fillers. Healthy chocolate does not have a long ingredient list.

Also, did you know that there is actually no caffeine in healthy chocolate? Theobromine is the stimulant in healthy chocolate that closely resembles caffeine, even in its molecular structure, and is often mistaken as caffeine. Fortunately it is much gentler than caffeine, which also increases emotional stress. In addition, theobromine stimulates serotonin levels as well as endorphin production, which fosters positive feelings and feelings of pleasure, making it a mild antidepressant.

And what is the most exciting news is that when you 'satisfy' your craving with a moderate amount of chocolate that is complete and processed cleanly; that moderate amount satisfies that craving! If you have a long standing "addiction", then you may need to work on that part of it, but you won't have the true need type of craving left unsatisfied to complicate the issue and thwart your efforts!

With ForeverGreen's, 100% organic, Good for you, Guilt Free, Dross Free 24 Karat ChocolateTM, WOW, what a clean tasting chocolate! Go to and look for "SmartFood: whole food nutrition products" in the right column a little more than halfway down.

There are several forms to choose from; the "24 Karat Fondue Chocolate (natural)", 2 pounds of wafers is the best value.

Also, check out my full free report "Chocolate Guilt Free? Here's how!" in a link in my blog or website.
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